The Corner is our community building where we hold many groups for all ages*

Lots going on at the Corner!
Pop on down for a game of table tennis or pool / chat / cake / friendship / kids & youth clubs and much more!
Mondays 7-9pm Community Night – Over 16’s, play a board game, bring a craft, or join a game of Table Tennis.
Wednesdays 9-12noon Coffee & Company Cafe – All ages Welcome. Pop in for a cuppa, charge your device, or just sit & chat.
Thursdays 10.30-12noon Friendship Cafe (including a talk) – Come and listen to a testimony, or a short life story over a cuppa and sweet treat
Thursdays 6-7pm Kids at the Corner (Primary school age) – Lots of fun, centered around the bible, with songs, games and stories.
Thursdays 7.15-8.30pm Youth Club (Secondary school age) – Lots of fun with Jesus at the centre, cool activities include archery, cooking etc.
Fridays 7-9pm Calling all Creatives! Craft & Chat – Come and join the ladies who craft, Whether you knit, sew, crochet or make cards.
All free!
*Please accept our apologies but we do not hire out any of the rooms of the main church building or the community building to anyone who is not a member of Bethel Community Church*
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